
esf Academy

The 'red sweater' academy supports esf instructors and directors in the many facets of their profession.

The esf Academy is a single entry point for skiers wishing to become esf instructors.
The esf Academy's objective is to offer calibrated and adapted training modules with qualified speakers to strengthen the skills / knowledge of esf instructors / directors throughout their careers (jobs, organisation of schools, digital skills, languages , regulations, security aspects, etc.).

The esf Academy trains skiers who want to become instructors at the National School of Mountain Sports and then supports graduates throughout the process.
It prepares them for the preliminary tests for the state diploma of Alpine Ski Instructor.
These tests consist of technical tests (timed slalom) and a 15-day internship and exam which assesses the technical and educational skills of the candidates.
Prepare for the technical test with the esf Academy

The technical test is the first step: Obtaining the required time in this first test is compulsory to begin ski instructor training. It takes place on a special slalom course. 
Second step: Preparation Cycle. Preparing to become a student ski instructor. It includes technical, theoretical, practical, educational and safety elements.


Become an esf instructor

The esf Academy supports you in accessing the profession of being an esf ski instructor.
They will train you for the first state diploma tests which, if successful, allows you to integrate into one of our 220 esf offices and a local academy spread over the French mountain ranges and continue your training.
Realise your potential, join the academy and become an esf ski instructor!

Applicant requirements

  • You are at least 17 years old;
  • You can attest to a Gold Arrow or Vermeil Chamois level;
  • You are in possession of a licence from the French Ski Federation.

What's next?

You will then integrate into a Local esf Academy with an esf school in a region/resort of your choice and receive sponsorship from that host esf office.
Depending on the progress through your course, you will train to prepare for one of the first two tests of the state ski diploma - National Alpine Ski Monitor.
Train daily, weekly or on weekends according to the training programs set out by the Local esf Academy and according to your availability.

Step 1 : Technical test

Technical skiing, slalom training, practice tests, video support, ski preparation, preparation and support for the event.

You will be supervised by experienced coaches / qualified trainers.

Obtaining the technical test allows you to enter the preparation cycle.

Step 2 : Preparation Cycle 

Technical skiing, demonstration, teaching, safety.

You will be supervised by qualified trainers.

Successful completion of the preparation cycle allows you to open your training booklet and become a trainee instructor.

Training Booklet

This training booklet enables you to be a trainee instructor. You can now join an esf resort office which will also be your approved training centre. It will prepare and train you for the deadlines in order to progress into the National School of Skiing and Mountaineering (ENSA) and to succeed/graduate in your diploma.
As soon as you secure the preparatory cycle and your integration into an esf school of your choice, you can teach for a fee within the limits of your qualification progress.
Please Note:
- * In the case of sponsorship, your host esf will bear 50% of the educational costs (technical test and preparatory cycle) within the limit of 500 € in the event of successful completion of the preparatory cycle and your integration into the esf sponsor **.
- Sponsorship is not mandatory to attend The esf Academy training courses.
- Your local esf Academy will provide you with preferential rates, specially negotiated for you, for lift passes and accommodation during your preparation courses.
- Preferential rate and advice on the purchase of equipment.
- Social and fiscal administrative support by the National Union of French Ski Instructors in the declaration of your status as a Self-Employed Worker and the choice of your future accounting.
** Amount reimbursed when your first fees are paid