Little Torches. Thursday 20th Feb.
DATE: Thursday February 20th
After the success of the 'Little Flambeaux 2024' last year, France Montagnes is renewing this solidarity event with the support of the National Association of Mayors of Mountain Resorts, Ski Areas of France and the National Union of Ski Instructors.
The objective is to introduce young people to the mountains by giving the opportunity to those who have never had the opportunity to know the mountains or go on holiday to the French mountains to enjoy the
esf schools and resorts participating in this operation will organise a spectacular torchlight descent in
partnership with ski areas and tourist offices. This will be a bright, colourful and emotional event not to be missed. The event will see 20,000 torches distributed throughout the schools participating in the operation with all funds donated to three associations which work, among other things, for the
comfort and well-being of sick or disadvantaged children by making them discover the joys of
Association Petits Princes, Génération Montagne and Enfance et Montagne.
Together, let's light up the French mountains for children
See you at the foot of the slopes on Thursday February 20, 2025!
After the success of the 'Little Flambeaux 2024' last year, France Montagnes is renewing this solidarity event with the support of the National Association of Mayors of Mountain Resorts, Ski Areas of France and the National Union of Ski Instructors.
The objective is to introduce young people to the mountains by giving the opportunity to those who have never had the opportunity to know the mountains or go on holiday to the French mountains to enjoy the
esf schools and resorts participating in this operation will organise a spectacular torchlight descent in
partnership with ski areas and tourist offices. This will be a bright, colourful and emotional event not to be missed. The event will see 20,000 torches distributed throughout the schools participating in the operation with all funds donated to three associations which work, among other things, for the
comfort and well-being of sick or disadvantaged children by making them discover the joys of
Association Petits Princes, Génération Montagne and Enfance et Montagne.
Together, let's light up the French mountains for children
See you at the foot of the slopes on Thursday February 20, 2025!